
Flash Games usa

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Bush Ball -  Celebrities Game
Bush Ball (11/23/2012)
Play with Bush in the midle of ball
Played: 137945 times (29 today), Favorited Online Game: 0  12345
Game Site - Tags: bush, president, usa, ,
Dress Up Bill -  Celebrities Game
Dress Up Bill (3/5/2012)
Click the blue buttons to dress up Bill
Played: 130995 times (27 today), Favorited FlashGame: 0  12345
Free Games - Tags: bill, usa, president, clinton,
Hip-hop Debate -  Celebrities Game
Hip-hop Debate (7/3/2012)
Bush & Kerry battle in a Hip Hop Style. Place your vote.
Played: 154306 times (25 today), Favorited FlashGame: 0  12345
Online Games - Tags: bush, president, usa, kerry, elections,
National Missile Defense -  Celebrities Game
President Bush is determined to defend the White House with his newly invented missile defense system.
Played: 126003 times (23 today), Favorited Free Game: 0  12345
Play Games - Tags: bush, president, usa, ,
Presidential Knockout -  Arcade Game
Try to knock out either of the Presidential candidates
Played: 101090 times (22 today), Favorited FlashGame: 0  12345
Game Site - Tags: bush, kerry, usa, president, boxe,
Bush vs Kerry -  Celebrities Game
Bush vs Kerry (6/18/2013)
It's Bush versus Kerry in this boxing showdown game. Who will you be?
Played: 129931 times (18 today), Favorited Online Game: 0  12345
Online Games - Tags: bush, kerry, usa, president, boxe,
Citizen Kerry -  Arcade Game
Citizen Kerry (2/20/2012)
Catch the falling object in this politic games
Played: 101479 times (15 today), Favorited Online Game: 0  12345
Game Site - Tags: kerry, usa, president, politic,
Ragdoll Physics 2 -  Celebrities Game
Ragdoll Physics 2 (2/14/2014)
A demonstration of Ragdoll Physics where Bush is falling down into a never ending pit!
Played: 161445 times (14 today), Favorited Online Game: 0  12345
Flash Games - Tags: bush, president, usa, war,
Weapons of Destruction -  Celebrities Game
Jump into your panzer tank and run down George Bush before he escapes or shoot at him with your cannon.
Played: 121982 times (11 today), Favorited FlashGame: 0  12345
Online Games - Tags: bush, president, usa, war,
Bush Bash -  Celebrities Game
Bush Bash (11/4/2011)
It is the Presidential Debate and you are the moderator
Played: 140326 times (8 today), Favorited Free Game: 0  12345
Flash Games - Tags: bush, politic, debate, president, usa,
Bomb Pearl Harbour -  Shooting Game
Bomb Pearl Harbour (1/15/2012)
Bomb the ship and shoot the US fighters
Played: 117419 times (7 today), Favorited Online Game: 0  12345
Game Site - Tags: bomb, explosion, usa, japan,
Slidermania -  Celebrities Game
Slidermania (10/28/2012)
Slide the box to appropriate location
Played: 132512 times (3 today), Favorited FlashGame: 0  12345
Play Games - Tags: boxe, bush, politics, usa,
Wargames 1983 -  Strategy Game
Wargames 1983 (2/21/2014)
Play a game of global thermonuclear war select country to wage war on and attack pattern.
Played: 99416 times (2 today), Favorited Online Game: 0  12345
Online Games - Tags: war, usa, ussr,
Bush Shoot-Out -  Celebrities Game
Bush Shoot-Out (6/10/2012)
Get Bush out of the White House that is under terrorists attack
Played: 167534 times (1 today), Favorited Online Game: 0  12345
Online Games - Tags: bush, shots, president, usa,
Kerry Bush Bash -  Celebrities Game
Kerry Bush Bash (6/21/2013)
You`re the debate moderator, and you`ve got to stop them from attacking each other.
Played: 114841 times (1 today), Favorited Online Game: 0  12345
Online Games - Tags: bush, politic, debate, president, usa, kerry,
War Against Irak -  Shooting Game
War Against Irak (8/1/2013)
Shoot down troopers firing their AK 47s at you shoot at tanks and helicopters.
Played: 114805 times (1 today), Favorited Free Game: 0  12345
Online Games - Tags: war, iraq, usa, terrorism,
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