Avoid the falling snowflake
Played: 132718 times (1 today),
Favorited Free Game: 0
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Tags: snow, flakes, ice, penguin,
Make a snow ball and hit the polar bear.
Played: 105078 times (0 today),
Favorited Online Game: 0
Flash Games -
Tags: snow, ice, monster, flakes,
Catch and eact all the falling snow-flakes
Played: 102245 times (0 today),
Favorited FlashGame: 0
Game Site -
Tags: snow, ice, monster, flakes,
Hit the penguins using snowball. Try not to miss the penguin because you will lose snowball.
Played: 126374 times (0 today),
Favorited FlashGame: 0
Free Games -
Tags: snow, ice, penguin, flakes,