
Flash Games chesse

Games, Online Games, Start New Game
Kill the Mouse -  Shooting Game
Kill the Mouse (11/21/2014)
Try to kill the mouse by shooting in the head.
Played: 125032 times, Favorited FlashGame: 0  12345
Play Games - Tags: mouse, chesse, hunt,
Bat and Mouse 2 -  Puzzle Game
Bat and Mouse 2 (5/17/2013)
Run away from the bat as a mouse pick up the cheese and get the stop timer.
Played: 122726 times, Favorited Free Game: 0  12345
Game Site - Tags: mouse, chesse, hunt,
Coloring the Mouse -  Puzzle Game
Coloring the Mouse (12/29/2010)
A Flash colouring book
Played: 109503 times, Favorited Online Game: 0  12345
Play Games - Tags: mouse, chesse, color,
Mouse Hunt -  Action Game
Mouse Hunt (8/18/2012)
Eat all the cheese but watch out for them darn cats!
Played: 106914 times, Favorited Online Game: 0  12345
Free Games - Tags: chesse, mouse, cat,
Cheese Hunt -  Action Game
Cheese Hunt (1/2/2014)
A fun platform game where you must collect all of the cheese.
Played: 106391 times, Favorited Free Game: 0  12345
Play Games - Tags: mouse, chesse, hunt,
Cyber Mice Party -  Puzzle Game
Cyber Mice Party (2/26/2012)
Rescue the cyber mice by showing them the way to the big cheese.
Played: 88700 times, Favorited Free Game: 0  12345
Game Site - Tags: mouse, chesse,
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